Friday, July 1, 2016

The Great Shorts Project 2016...

Hey!  I don"t have much time to sew these days because I've been so busy.  However, summer is here and it's hot!

Recently, I realized that I have like two pairs of shorts.  Unacceptable!  However, it's damn near impossible for me to buy shorts here (especially since I gained a little weight that I'm slowly working off after being injured last year).

Over Christmas, I bought this pattern:

This is a vintage Simplicity 9487.  I bought it for the knit top (because you know I love the knits).

Well, this is the only shorts pattern I have in Japan.  About a week ago, I dug through the box of fabric scraps I had.  Some of the fabric was from stuff that doesn't even exist in Japan (as in stuff I made in America that's either gone or still there).  So with the fabric scraps and this pattern I set to work.  Now this pattern has the shorts pleated (nope) and a zipper (nope).  I scrapped the pleats and zipper and just added an elastic waist.  I'm all for simplicity man.

So far here's what I've done (forgive the crappy pics as it's really hard to photograph shorts apparently):




 (Though #2 and #3 look the same, #2 is knit and #3 is a shiny cotton perhaps sateen?)


#4 actually looks the most like the pattern shorts.  They ended up super high waisted.  I ain't mad at that.  They're actually cute.

Hold on kids!  I'm not done.  I still have 4 more different fabric scraps.  We'll see if they are big enough to squeeze out four more pairs of shorts.

Happy summer!  Stay cool!

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